Jodi's Reader Review

Jodi's Reader Review

Hi College Press readers! 

My name is Jodie Ash, and I recently read The Ink is Dry by Rubel Shelly. I found this book helpful because I work with and volunteer with teenagers, so the topic of this book is relevant and applicable in my relationships with students. I liked this book because of the call to both grace and truth by reading, understanding and believing what the Bible says about sexuality and applying that to our lives and the culture we live in. I appreciate the way the author both takes us to task for wrong ways of speaking and dealing with LGBTQ issues and shows us how to love and restore those who have been or are struggling. There were good reminders that we can’t hold unbelievers to the standards of God’s Word but that we must apply them to those within the church. 

This book challenged me. I was reminded that the Church’s silence regarding these issues is not an option. Christians need to understand and be able to articulate what the Bible teaches about sexuality and other issues. Sadly the Bible is the most purchased but least read book. In our culture it is absolutely necessary for believers to be Biblically literate. We must know what we believe and why we believe it.

I need reminders that I must find Truth in the Word and bring other “truth” back to the Word for verification. One other thing I found is that the historical information about ancient same sex relationships is helpful for debunking some of the arguments people bring up today. 

In my work with teens, I need to be educated in this topic so I can accurately challenge them. This book has educated me to do just that. I highly recommend it to anyone who works or volunteers with the next generation.

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