Morning by Morning
Written By Chris DeWelt, President of College Press
“Morning by morning new mercies I see!”
I love His Word! I truly do. Each and every morning I pull down my Study Bible and make my way, slowly, through the particular place I am in the Scriptures that day. Nearly every morning when I engage in this simple practice, I see new things. Things that I had not seen before. It is nothing short of remarkable how the Word of God is living and active and how it always feeds my soul. Even the most familiar texts have ways of speaking loudly to my heart in a new and vibrant manner!
A valuable tool in my life-long quest to know the Word more deeply are the words of scholars that have long studied and taught from particular sections of the Bible. When I find myself in the Gospels, I always have Mark Moore’s Chronological Life of Christ at hand. It is such a blessing to me to read my brother Mark’s insights into the text. His use of appropriate humor combined with his unexcelled scholarship make for great reading both academically and devotionally.
Chronological Life of Christ has long been one of the better selling books published by College Press. It is now in multiple languages by way of our sister ministry, Literature and Teaching Ministries (LATM). Just the other day we learned of the Ukrainian version that is now being published in that wonderful and troubled land. That will make seven different languages where Dr. Moore will be assisting students of Jesus as they gain new insights into the words and life of our Lord.
On a practical level, Chronological Life of Christ has been a great help to me in the Sunday School classroom as well. In addition to my duties as a Bible College professor, I also am in a regular rotation for teaching an adult Sunday School class in our local church. I love the way that we take up a chapter or two of text each week and steadily work our way through the Word.
For your teaching needs, or for your personal study, you will be blessed by this book.
Chris DeWelt
President, College Press Publishing