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What The Bible Says About Grace: Set Free!

What The Bible Says About Grace: Set Free!

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The most important issues anyone faces are those of eternity. The quest for salvation--to be set free from the shackles of sin and the power of guilt--should be life's first pursuit. The freedom of knowing your salvation is secure for all eternity is priceless. Unfortunately, there is much confusion in the world today on how to receive this freedom. Many teach a works-driven salvation. Many others emphasize a salvation by grace. Yet there is still considerable contention in the religious world over the topic that was never meant to divide but always to unite--grace.

In this definitive study on what the Bible says about grace, Dr. Jack Cottrell engages the reader in a sweeping review of every passage of Scripture that teaches on this important truth. Primarily focusing on Paul's teaching in Romans 1-8 as well as drawing from many other texts in both testaments, Dr. Cottrell presents a simple, practical, and thorough case for an accurate biblical view of God's grace. 

What The Bible Says About Grace: Set Free! has 18 chapters and 401 pages.

ISBN 978-0-89900-980-3




"By grace you have been saved," Paul emphatically affirms twice in Ephesians 2:5,10. What does it mean to be saved by grace? This phrase has three distinct connotations, any one or all of which may be in view in such passages. First, grace may be regarded as the source of salvation. In this case it is referring to God's very essence as a gracious God. This aspect of God's nature is the actual foundation from which all the blessings of salvation flow. We are saved by the graciousness of God. Second, grace may be spoken of as the way of salvation. In this sense the word "grace" describes the method or system according to which a person is allowed to enter heaven. We are saved by the grace system, as the only viable alternative to the impotent law system. Third, grace is the content of salvation. In this sense grace is something God bestows upon us as sinners; it is something we receive from him as a gift. We are saved by the grace God gives us." (p. 31)


“Because God is a God of grace, he has prepared another distinct way of relating to him in terms of salvation, an entirely different system of determining what we will receive from him on Judgment Day. He allows us to relate to him not in terms of wages, but in terms of gift: ‘The free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.’ Under this system we are anticipating Judgment Day not as payday but as gift day, with the same kind of joy and peace with which a child looks forward to his or her birthday or to Christmas. On that day God will give us the gift of eternal life, even though we actually deserve the wages of eternal death. This is because, under the gift system, we do not receive what we deserve but in fact the very opposite of what we deserve. True, as sinners we will never have enough good works in this life to be good enough for heaven; but we do not worry about that since on that final day we will receive not what we have earned but what the God of grace wants to give us as a free gift.” (p. 33)



Other Books by This Author

Baptism: A Biblical Study

Bible Prophecy and End Times CD

Bible Prophecy and End Times MP3

Headship, Submission, & The Bible: Gender Roles in the Home

Holy Spirit: A Biblical Study

Romans NIV Commentary

The Faith Once for All

What The Bible Says About God The Creator, Ruler, Redeemer: God Most High

What The Bible Says About The Holy Spirit: Power From On High

Bautismo: Un estudio bíblico (Baptism: A Biblical Study)

Dios Altísimo (God Most High)

En su camino (His Way)

La fe una vez dada (The Faith Once for All)

Los fundamentos de la fe (Faith's Fundamentals)

Ser tan bueno no es tan bueno (13 Lessons on Grace)



About the Author

Dr. Jack Cottrell served on the Cincinnati Bible Seminary faculty since 1967. He has taught Doctrine of Grace nearly 70 times to almost 2,000 seminary students.

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